Welcome to the New Website!

As CR Languages celebrates its fourth year in business in downtown Boise, we are very happy to be launching a new website! The new site bring with it quite a few changes. We’ve reorganized all of the information to make it easier for people to find details relating to the language that they are interested in learning. We now have individual profiles set up for each language that we offer where you can see schedules, instructor bios, testimonials, and more. This reorganization should not only make it easier for potential students to find the information that they are looking for, it also makes the site more search engine friendly and allows us to better utilize our marketing budget. We’ve also created a new section with tips and articles about learning a language.

In a addition to the design changes, a lot of the improvements have been made under the hood. The new website is completely mobile friendly, and most importantly, will allow us to begin offering online classes!

We will still be working on the site here and there over the coming weeks and months, so please pardon our construction. If you have any questions, or see a glitch, please let us know!


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Time to enroll for group classes!

Spring group classes start in:

¡Last day to enroll for group classes!
Reach out to confirm availability and sign up.