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Spanish Intro with Julieta

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  1. Spanish Intro: 1.1 - Vowels + Consonant "C"
  2. Spanish Intro: 1.2 - Consonants "D", "F", and "G"
  3. Spanish Intro: 1.3 - Consonants "H", "J", and "K"
  4. Spanish Intro: 1.4 - Consonants "L", "M", "N", and "Ñ"
  5. Spanish Intro: 1.5 - Consonants "P", "Q", and "R"
  6. Spanish Intro: 1.6 - Consonants "S", "T", "V", and "B"
  7. Spanish Intro: 1.7 - Consonants "W", "X", and "Z"
  8. Spanish Intro: 1.8 - Consonant "Y" + Pronunciation issues
  9. Spanish Intro: 1.9 - Vowels and Consonants - Practice
  10. Spanish Intro: 2.1 - Nouns + Gender
    1 Quiz
  11. Spanish Intro: 2.2 - Nouns + Number
    1 Quiz
  12. Spanish Intro: 2.3 - Plural Nouns
    1 Quiz
  13. Spanish Intro: 3.1 - Personal Pronouns
    1 Quiz
  14. Spanish Intro: 3.2 - The Verb 'SER'
    1 Quiz
  15. Spanish Intro: 3.3 - The Verb 'SER' with Nationalities
    1 Quiz
  16. Spanish Intro: 3.4 - The Verb 'SER' with Nationalities (Part 2)
    1 Quiz
  17. Spanish Intro: 4.1 - Adjectives
  18. Spanish Intro: 4.2 - Adjectives + 4 Endings
    1 Quiz
  19. Spanish Intro: 4.3 - Adjectives + 2 Endings
    1 Quiz
  20. Spanish Intro: 5.1 - Where... from? + Who?
    1 Quiz
  21. Spanish Intro: 5.2 - Where... from? + Who? (Part 2)
    1 Quiz
  22. Spanish Intro: 5.3 - Introductions
  23. Spanish Intro: 6.1 - Indefinite and Definite Articles
    1 Quiz
  24. Spanish Intro: 6.2 - Possessive Adjectives
    1 Quiz
  25. Spanish Intro: 6.3 - Possessive Adjectives (Part 2)
  26. Spanish Intro: 7.1 - Regular Verbs
    1 Quiz
  27. Spanish Intro: 7.2 - Regular Verbs (Part 2)
  28. Spanish Intro: 8.1 - Regular Verbs (Part 3)
    1 Quiz
  29. Spanish Intro: 8.2 - Regular Verbs (Part 4)
    2 Quizzes
  30. Spanish Intro: 8.3 - Regular Verbs - Practice
  31. Spanish Intro: 9.1 - Regular Verbs (Part 5)
    1 Quiz
  32. Spanish Intro: 9.2 - Regular Verbs - More Practice
    1 Quiz
  33. Spanish Intro: 10.1 - Days of the week
    1 Quiz
  34. Spanish Intro: 10.2 - Times of the day
    1 Quiz
  35. Spanish Intro: 11.1 - The Verb 'ESTAR' with Places and Adjectives
    3 Quizzes
  36. Spanish Intro: 12.1 - The Verb 'ESTAR' in Wh questions
    1 Quiz
  37. Spanish Intro: 12.2 - The Verb 'ESTAR' in Wh questions (Part 2)
    1 Quiz
  38. Spanish Intro: 13.1 - The Verb 'TENER'
    2 Quizzes
  39. Spanish Intro: 13.2 - How much/many
    1 Quiz
  40. Spanish Intro: 13.3 - Prepositions of place
    1 Quiz
  41. Spanish Intro: 14.1 - The Verb 'HACER'
    1 Quiz
  42. Spanish Intro: 14.2 - The Verb 'IR' / 'IRSE'
    1 Quiz
  43. Spanish Intro: 15.1 - Demostrative Adjectives
  44. Spanish Intro: 15.2 - Demostrative Adjectives - Practice
    2 Quizzes
  45. Spanish Intro: 15.3 - Demostrative Adjectives - More Practice
  46. Spanish Intro: 16.1 - There is / There are
    1 Quiz
  47. Spanish Intro: The Verb 'LLEGAR' and similar ones
  48. Spanish Intro: 17.1 - What time is it?
  49. Spanish Intro: 17.2 - What time is it? (Part 2)
  50. Spanish Intro: 17.3 - What time is it? (Part 3)
    1 Quiz
  51. Spanish Intro: 18.1 - The Verb 'TENER + QUE' to express obligation
    1 Quiz
  52. Spanish Intro: 18.2 - 'TENER + QUE' vs. 'HAY + QUE' to express obligation
    1 Quiz
  53. Spanish Intro: 19.1 - The Verbs 'SABER' and 'CONOCER'
    2 Quizzes
  54. Spanish Intro: 20.1 - The Verb 'GUSTAR'
    1 Quiz
  55. Spanish Intro: 20.2 - The Verb 'GUSTAR' (Part 2)
    1 Quiz
  56. Spanish Intro: 20.3 - The Verb 'GUSTAR' (Part 3)
    1 Quiz
  57. Spanish Intro: 20.4 - The Verb 'GUSTAR' (Part 4)
    1 Quiz
  58. Spanish Intro: Part 21.1
  59. Spanish Intro: Extra Exercises
  60. Spanish Intro: Extra Exercises 1
  61. 22.1 Verbo llamarse (page 24)
  62. 22.2 Los números (page 34)
  63. 22.3 Cuánto cuesta/cuestan (page 80)
  64. 22.4 Más que/menos que (page 82)
  65. 22.5 Pedir información (page 100)
  66. 22.6 Verbo poder (page 102)
  67. 22.7 Verbo querer (page 107)
  68. 22.8 Verbo jugar (page 109)
  69. 22.9 Cuál/cuáles (page 110)
Lesson 1 of 69
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Spanish Intro: 1.1 – Vowels + Consonant “C”