Private vs. Group classes

Part 1. Group classes (2 hours) Throughout the 16 classes teachers will have to explain, practice, review grammar and the topics in the course book,…

Student’s responsibilities

Students, like teachers, have their own set of responsibilities. At the beginning of a semester or a private class they will receive our Student’s Manual or…

What is a student progress sheet?

A Student Performance Sheet (o Report) is a document prepared by the administration for the students attending and completing a group class course. For private students the…

What is a student perfomance sheet?

A Student Performance Sheet (o Report) is a document prepared by the administration for the students attending and completing a group class course. Teachers don’t have…

Hours spreadsheet and payments

Part 1. Hours spreadsheet Guideline The instructors should update the Content sheet, Attendance (group class only) and Hours spreadsheet right after class. The Hours spreadsheet must…

Teaching adults

Unlike younger students who are compelled to be in school whether they like it or not, adult learners typically have made a choice to continue…

Use of additional and outsourced materials

In the course design process, CR Languages may incorporate third-party materials. These materials are carefully evaluated for their educational value, relevance, and compliance with copyright…

How to use Whereby and the Portal

Even though the Portal and Whereby are user friendly, just like anything new it takes a moment getting used to it. These short videos are…

Final exam day. Things to know

In-person group classes BEFORE THE EXAM Sometimes the teachers might be asked to write a new final exam or quiz: this task is considered part…

Quizzes for group classes

Pop quizzes are generally only administered in Group Classes on week #5, #9 and #13 (#16: final exam) and students should not know what the…

How to fill an attendance spreadsheet

Completing attendance spreadsheets for a group class is simpler in comparison to content spreadsheets, yet for administrators they hold paramount importance because they serve as a tool for assessing…

How to fill a content spreadsheet

No matter the class, online/in-person, private/group, adults/junior, after every single class the teacher has to fill a document called a content spreadsheet, it can be…

Observations and Feedbacks

As stated in the contract the instructors have to sign, starting in 2024, for safety and quality reasons, all online classes are recorded automatically and…

The perfect class

After the first class, students return with their homework. We begin by chatting for a few minutes to warm up. Next, we correct the homework…

Dealing with technical problems

Virtual Classrooms CR Languages uses a browser-based platform for its virtual meeting place. You will need to undergo specific training to effectively use the platform…

Setting boundaries and privacy

Setting boundaries with students is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and productive teacher-student relationship, it’s not about being strict or authoritarian, but rather…

Portal, the school’s platform

The Portal is an internal platform on our website that facilitates communication with Students, Instructors, and Administration. It also hosts additional online content like courses and exercises and is…